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Morning in Beziers

This is the view from the window of my room at the convent in the morning. It's amazing how well you can sleep when you're exhausted. I walked over to the Mother House with my colleague, Jacqui, for some breakfast and more delightful conversation with Sisters we met just this morning. We will begin tonight with our program at 6pm after we've decompressed from our journey. I think I'll walk around town today, eat lunch, take a nice long nap, read and relax before we start this evening.

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Reader Comments (1)

You must be in the same room I was in, for this is the view I remember. During the evening I would hear children laughing and people singing, mostly in Arabic. What wonderful memories I have. Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy.

June 17, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterBecky

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