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An Unforgettable Trip

What an incredible 3 weeks this was.  An unforgettable pilgrimage and retreat in Bèziers, France, followed by a conference with the Heads of Schools of the RSHM Network of Schools in Rome, Italy, and finally a three-day trip to London to see my nephew graduate from the Royal College of Art with his Masters Degree.  I have uploaded a few photographs of Bèziers and some of the surrounding villages and churches in the "Photographs" section that you can click on to your right. 

Unfortunately, I was unable to upload comments or photographs on a regular basis during most of my trip because I was dependent on my AT&T service to upload.  After a 3am call from AT&T warning me that I had compiled an astronomical data bill, I decided to wait for my arrival home to make a few comments and upload my photographs.  At $5 a megabyte one can burn through a lot of Euros uploading a picture via a slow Bèziers 3G connection.

It was beautiful, moving, inspirational, and educational.  I am indebted to Sister Bernadette and Sister Marrion at the RSHM Mother House in Bèziers for an experience I will never forget, and to Sister Mary Genino, Provincial Superior of the Western American Province of the RSHM for making this life-changing week and a half possible.  I look forward to members of my own faculty participating in this pilgrimage themselves so they can see the rich spiritual and educational tradition Cantwell-Sacred Heart of Mary High School claims for its own.

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Reader Comments (1)

Hi Mr. Chambers

I read all the articles and saw all the photographs
and those photographs are so amazing and pretty
let me wants to go visit France

thank u for shareing this website with me

September 1, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterKuan-ting Liu

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